Alex Gobey is currently the Director of the Dementia Care Directorate within the Active Ageing and Community Care, and coordinates specialised services in community-based and residential settings in Malta. The services include post-diagnostic multidisciplinary services such as the Dementia Intervention Team and the running of Dementia Activity Centres located in the community. Alex obtained a Bachelor’s Degree in Communication Therapy (2006) and a Master Degree in Geriatrics and Gerontology (2013) with the University of Malta. He has previously worked at the Rehabilitation Hospital Karen Grech as a Speech-language Pathologist and has extensive experience in the rehabilitation of communication and swallowing disorders. He is a lecturer at the University of Malta, teaching credits within the Department of Gerontology and Dementia Studies. Alex recently chaired the Dementia Strategy Advisor Group who created Malta’s second National Dementia strategy entitled Reaching New Heights for 2024-2031.