Here we provide the videos of the presentations that were held at the 29th Alzheimer Europe Conference.
Welcome and introductory comments
- Iva Holmerová, Chairperson, Alzheimer Europe
- Gerjoke Wilmink, Executive Director, Alzheimer Nederland
- Myrra Vernooij-Dassen, Chairperson, INTERDEM
- Helen Rochford-Brennan, Chairperson, EWGPWD
- Kavita Parbhudayal, Deputy Mayor, The Hague
- Theo van Uum, Director of Long-term Care, Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport
Keynote Speech
- K2. Debby Gerritsen (Netherlands): Empowerment and wellbeing among people with dementia
Plenary session PL1: Diagnosis and post-diagnostic support
- PL1.1. Geoff Huggins (United Kingdom): Improving the diagnosis, post-diagnostic support, care and inclusion of people with dementia: the findings of the 2nd European Joint Action on Dementia
- PL1.2. Wiesje van der Flier (Netherlands): Research leading to better diagnosis and care in memory clinics – findings from the ABIDE project
- PL1.3. Henry Brodaty (Australia): After the diagnosis… what next? Post-diagnostic support for people with dementia and their families
Plenary session PL2: Technology and e-Health
- PL2.1. Wijnand Ijsselsteijn (Netherlands): Warm technology and co-design with people with dementia
- PL2.2. Dag Aarsland (United Kingdom): What role for “wearables” in the detection of people at risk of dementia and in monitoring disease progression
- PL2.3. Marco Blom (Netherlands): Identifying the needs and views of carers of people with dementia: The online platform of Alzheimer Nederland
- PL2.4. Emma Ferguson-Coleman (United Kingdom): Navigating everyday challenges of life-story work with Deaf sign language users with dementia
Plenary session PL3: Making our societies more dementia-inclusive
- PL3.1. Bernd Heise (Germany): My expectations from dementia-inclusive communities
- PL3.2. Mohammed Akhlak Rauf (United Kingdom): Embedding intercultural care to support dementia care amongst minority ethnic communities
- PL3.3. Julie Meerveld (Netherlands): The Dutch National Programme for a dementia-inclusive society – a collaboration involving national and local authorities, associations and companies
- PL3.4. Elina Suzuki (OECD): Comparing dementia care and dementia-friendly initiatives across OECD countries
Plenary session PL4: How can research lead to better prevention?
- PL4.1. Tiia Ngandu (Finland): Multidomain lifestyle interventions to prevent cognitive impairment and dementia: From FINGER to World-Wide FINGERS
- PL4.2. Meike Vernooij (Netherlands): The role of imaging in epidemiological studies : findings of the Rotterdam Scan Study
- PL4.3. Sebastian Köhler (Netherlands): Prevention of dementia: Time to act
Closing ceremony
Closing comments and farewell by:
- Gerjoke Wilmink, Executive Director, Alzheimer Nederland
- Iva Holmerová, Chairperson, Alzheimer Europe