Videos 28AEC

Welcome and introductory comments

  • Iva Holmerová, Chairperson, Alzheimer Europe
  • Cheles Cantabrana, Chairperson, CEAFA
  • Santiago Marimón Suñol (Spain)
  • Gemma Tarafa, Commissioner for Health, Barcelona City Council


Plenary session PL1: Dementia as a policy priority

  • PL1.1. Meet the researchers of tomorrow: Anja Leist (Luxembourg): Policy and research priorities of the WYLD (World Young Leaders in Dementia) network
  • PL1.2. Carmen Orte (Spain): Dementia as a health and social priority in Spain
  • PL1.3. Geoff Huggins (United Kingdom): The European Joint Action on Dementia: Identifying and sharing good practices across Europe
  • PL1.4. Dan Chisholm (WHO Europe): Prioritising dementia internationally - The WHO Global Action Plan on Dementia and the Global Dementia Observatory
  • PL1.5. John Gallacher (United Kingdom): Real world data supporting regulatory and health technology assessments: the findings of the ROADMAP project


Plenary session PL2: Dementia as a human rights priority

  • PL2.1. Meet the researchers of tomorrow: Stina Saunders (United Kingdom): Involving research participants in research: The example of the EPAD (European Prevention of Alzheimer’s dementia) project
  • PL2.2. Helen Rochford-Brennan (Ireland): Promoting a human rights based approach to dementia through the active involvement of people with dementia
  • PL2.3. Fernando Vicente (Spain): Human rights in Spanish health and social legislation
  • PL2.4. Dianne Gove (Luxembourg): Recognising dementia as a disability: ethical considerations and practical recommendations
  • PL2.5. Karen Watchman (United Kingdom): Dementia and intellectual disability - Valuing the perspectives of people with intellectual disability


Plenary session PL3: Dementia as a care priority

  • PL3.1. Meet the researchers of tomorrow: Sébastien Libert (Belgium): Assistive technologies in dementia: Findings of the INDUCT (Interdisciplinary Network for Dementia Using Current Technology) consortium
  • PL3.2. Gail Mountain (United Kingdom): Redefining and measuring meaningful outcomes for people with dementia
  • PL3.3. Marjolein de Vugt (Netherlands): Partner in balance: an example of tailored post-diagnostic support
  • PL3.4. Manuel Martín Carrasco (Spain): Reducing the use of antipsychotics in residential and nursing homes
  • PL3.5. Martina Roes (Germany): Fostering and sustaining relationships with people with dementia


Plenary session PL4: Dementia as a research priority

  • PL4.1. Meet the researchers of tomorrow: Isadora Alves Lopes (Netherlands): The AMYPAD (Amyloid imaging to prevent Alzheimer’s disease) project: Improving our understanding, diagnosis and management of Alzheimer’s disease through the utilisation of ß-amyloid PET imaging
  • PL4.2. María Isabel González Ingelmo (Spain): Importance of social and health care research in the field of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias
  • PL4.3. Mercè Boada (Spain): Improving the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease through EU research collaborations
  • PL4.4. Philippe Amouyel (France): Genetics of Alzheimer’s disease, a state-of-play
  • PL4.5. Clive Ballard (United Kingdom): What pharmacological options for the treatment of behavioural symptoms of dementia?


Closing ceremony

Closing comments and farewell by:

  • Nohemi Martínez Rodriguez, Vice-President, Fundación Alzheimer España
  • Cheles Cantabrana, Chairperson, CEAFA
  • Iva Holmerová, Chairperson, Alzheimer Europe
The 28th Alzheimer Europe Conference received funding under an operating grant from the European Union’s Health Programme (2014-2020). Alzheimer Europe gratefully acknowledges the support of all conference sponsors.