2019-01 Dementia in Europe Yearbook 2019: Estimating the prevalence of dementia in Europe Yearbooks Buy now
2018-12 2018 Alzheimer Europe Report: The development of intercultural care and support for people with dementia from minority ethnic groups Ethics reports Buy now
2018-12 2018 European Carers' Report: Carers' experiences of diagnosis in five European countries Other reports
2018-12 2018 Alzheimer Europe Report (DE): Die Entwicklung der interkulturellen Betreuung und Unterstützung von Menschen mit Demenz aus ethnischen Minderheiten Ethics reports Buy now
2018-12 2018 Alzheimer Europe Report (FR): Le développement des soins et d’un soutien interculturels pour les personnes atteintes de démence et appartenant à des groupes ethniques minoritaires Ethics reports Buy now
2018-10 Development of quality outcome indicators to improve the quality of urinary and faecal continence care Scientific papers
2018-09 Timely diagnosis of dementia? Family carers' experiences in 5 European countries Scientific papers
2018-07 Global Alliance for Genomics and Health, Ageing and Dementia Task Team (2018). Consent recommendations for research and international data sharing involving persons with dementia Scientific papers
2018-06 Towards capturing meaningful outcomes for people with dementia in psychosocial intervention research: A pan‐European consultation Scientific papers
2018-04 At, with and beyond risk: expectations of living with the possibility of future dementia Scientific papers
2018-02 Perspectives on Communicating Biomarker-Based Assessments of Alzheimer’s Disease to Cognitively Healthy Individuals Scientific papers
2018-01 Dementia in Europe Yearbook 2018: Comparison of national dementia strategies in Europe Yearbooks