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Start Date
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Total Funding
€ 165 217
Funding Programme
European Countries Involved

As part of the Innovation policy of Andalusian Region, Fundación Descubre ( with the University of Almeria, University of Cordoba, University of Granada, University of Huelva, University of Malaga, Pablo de Olavide University, University of Seville, Jaen University and National Research Council (CSIC), the Association of Promoters and Producers of Renewable Energy and the Economy, Innovation and Science Regional Goverment have decided to participate on the Researchers´Night 2012 call. ANDARES is a proposal based on the objective to enhance public recognition of Andalusian researchers and their work based in one unique activity, which involves eight Universities and Research Centers in our region.

Discover Foundation aims to participate in this call like one of the pillars of his public performances in 2012 with the aim of:

1. Bringing science and research to the general public, our activity pretend show the reseachers´ problems and feelings in their life and we will try to explain by our proposal how is important the research activity for the society nowadays and for the global economic situation

2. Promote the scientific studies among young people

3. Invite social groups particularly interested in the topic of research projects involve on the activity (Alzheimer, renewable energy, environmental movement, business associations related to renewable energy …).

With this activity, the researchers could show their work to people with high interest in the areas of knowledge presented in the different micro-talks presented on the event (patients, employers in the sector of renewable energies)such as Project presentations made by participants, whose will allow us to move Andalusian society with greater clarity and force the value of investment in dissemination of the European Union, national and regional governments and the important role that researchers play in our present and future of Andalusian society'

Project partners

Universidad De Granada

Universidad De Huelva

Instituto Andaluz De Investigaciony Formacion Agraria Pesquera Alimentaria Y De La Produccion Ecologica

Universidad De Jaen

Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior Deinvestigaciones Cientificas

Consejeria De Economia Innovacion Ciencia Y Empleo

Universidad De Cordoba

Universidad De Almeria

Universidad De Malaga

Universidad De Sevilla

Descubre - Fundacion Andaluza Para La Divulgacion De La Innovacion Y El Conocimiento

Alzheimer Europe's database on research projects was developed as part of the 2020 Work Plan which received funding under an operating grant from the European Union’s Health Programme (2014–2020).