The 2025 Work Plan of Alzheimer Europe was adopted by our Board at its meeting on 9 December 2024.
Click here for the 2024 Work Plan.
Alzheimer Europe Core activities
Objective 1: Providing a voice to people with dementia and their carers
In 2025, Alzheimer Europe will
involve the European Working Group of People affected by Dementia (EWGPWD) and European Dementia Carers Working Group (EDCWG) in its activities and organise two face-to-face meetings of each group and a series of virtual meetings and consultations
involve the EWGPWD and EDCWG in the organisation of the Annual Conference by including them in the Programme Committee to help with the selection of abstracts
organise a joint plenary session at the Annual Conference with representatives of both groups
involve the EWGPWD and EDCWG in various EU projects where AE is asked to provide the views of people with dementia and their carers
involve the EWGPWD and EDCWG Chairpersons as full voting members at AE Board meetings
publish recommendations on how to involve people with dementia and carers in the development of assistive technologies
Objective 2: Making dementia a European priority
In 2025, Alzheimer Europe will
dedicate its 2025 Dementia in Europe Yearbook to the topic of transport and access to art, culture, sport and tourism and compare national policies and identify good practices at national level
update the report on the prevalence of dementia in Europe and provide updated estimates for people with dementia in all countries covered by Alzheimer Europe in 2025 and 2050
coordinate the group of European government experts on dementia and organise two meetings of the group bringing together health ministry officials from at least 15 countries with representatives from the European Commission, the OECD and the World Health Organization
develop the European Alzheimer’s Alliance and aim to have at least 80 Members of the European Parliament signed up from all political groups and all Member States
organise quarterly online meetings with the co-chairs of the European Alzheimer’s Alliance
campaign with Members of the European Parliament on the political priorities contained in the Helsinki Manifesto
organise two lunch debates in the European Parliament in June and December 2025
organise an exhibition in the European Parliament in December 2025
actively contribute to and collaborate with JADE, the new EU Joint Action on Dementia
play an active role on the Patients’ and Consumers’ Working Party of the European Medicines Agency
collaborate, as a member, with the European Disability Forum, the European Patients’ Forum and the European Public Health Alliance and support the development of positions in response to EU policy developments
carry out an analysis of European organisations to develop a networking strategy.
Objective 3: Changing perceptions and combating stigma
In 2025, Alzheimer Europe will
continue its collaboration with the European Disability Forum on the European disability strategy and the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD)
award, in collaboration with Alzheimer Europe members, a prize to a European artist, author or photographer for a successful film, book, exhibition or other cultural event addressing the stigma attached to dementia and changing public perceptions
organise a workshop with members and other organisations on the use of Alzheimer’s and dementia in the names and campaigns of national associations
identify how national Alzheimer’s associations reach out to and include representatives from underrepresented groups
continue working with the Council of Europe and contribute to ongoing discussions on legal capacity, guardianship systems and bioethics
Objective 4: Raising awareness of brain health and prevention
In 2025, Alzheimer Europe will
continue to identify phase II and phase III trials on the prevention of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia and include them in the Clinical Trials Watch
further develop the public involvement pool by including family members of people with dementia and people at risk of developing dementia
dedicate a European Parliament lunch debate to the topic of brain health and prevention and a special supplement of the magazine to national brain health initiatives and European brain health projects
collaborate with the Brain Health Mission set up by the European Academy of Neurology and contribute to the development and activities of the European Brain Health Partnership
Objective 5: Strengthening the European dementia movement
In 2025, Alzheimer Europe will
update its member organisations on relevant EU policy developments and involve them in the development of policy positions through AE’s public affairs meetings
involve its member organisations in the development of the new Strategic Plan (2026-2030) of Alzheimer Europe
identify how AE working groups and meetings can better reflect the experiences of and include people with dementia, carers and researchers from underrepresented groups
organise its Alzheimer’s Association Academy as a series of 2 in-person workshops in Brussels (June and December) and 8 online workshops and develop a programme based on the subjects and issues identified by its members, such as:
- involvement of associations in health technology assessments,
- successful fundraising initiatives at national level,
- technologies supporting diagnosis, care and support,
- good governance for national Alzheimer’s associations,
- working with parliamentary interest groups at national and European level,
- transport and access to art, culture, sport and tourism,
- public awareness campaigns,
- involving underrepresented groups in national advocacy, awareness and research activities
- introduction and uptake of new treatments in European countries
- initiatives and support for people at risk of cognitive impairements,
- ensuring disability policies are applicable to people with dementia.
- organise its Annual General Meeting in Brussels on 25 June
- organise quarterly meetings of the AE Board to monitor the association’s financial situation and the implementation of its work plan
Objective 6: Supporting dementia research
In 2025, Alzheimer Europe will
- continue with the development of its European Dementia Observatory by proactively identifying relevant research developments and communicating them to its member organisations and wider community via its newsletter, social media and website
- involve the organisation’s Expert Advisory Panel in commenting on important research developments and in identifying speakers for its Conference and other meetings
- dedicate a scientific paper to the views of people with dementia and carers on new technologies based on the feedback and contributions of the EWGPWD and EDCWG to European research projects
- organise a conference “Connecting science and communities: The future of dementia care” in Bologna, Italy from 6 to 8 October 2025 with the participation of at least 750 participants from 40 countries
- collaborate with INTERDEM, the European Alzheimer’s Disease Consortium and the European Academy of Neurology for the organisation of the conference and the selection of topics to be addressed
- evaluate participants’ satisfaction with the conference programme and practical organisation
Other activities and projects
EU Project participation
In 2025, Alzheimer Europe will
- continue to engage with Horizon Europe, the Innovative Health Initiative and the Joint Programme Neurodegenerative Diseases Research (JPND) to identify opportunities to contribute to and participate in pan-European research projects,
- continue its active involvement in a number of EU funded projects by promoting public involvement activities with people with dementia and their carers in the research consortium, by contributing to the ethical discussions and by supporting the communication and dissemination activities towards a non-scientific audience:
- ADIS (Early Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease by Immune Profiling of Cytotoxic Lymphocytes and Recording of Sleep Disturbances)
- AD-RIDDLE (Real world implementation, deployment and validation of early detection tools and lifestyle enhancement)
- AI-MIND (Intelligent digital tools for screening of brain connectivity and dementia risk estimation in people affected by mild cognitive impairment)
- AI4Hope (Artificial intelligence cased health, optimism, purpose and endurance in palliative care for dementia)
- eBRAIN-Health (Actionable Multilevel Health Data)
- EPND (European Platform for Neurodegenerative Diseases)
- LETHE (A personalized prediction and intervention model for early detection and reduction of risk factors causing dementia, based on explainable AI and distributed Machine Learning)
- Pattern-Cog (Personalized aging pattern for early risk detection and prevention of cognitive impairment and dementia in cognitively healthy individuals)
- PREDICTOM (Prediction of Alzheimer’s disease using an AI driven screening platform)
- PROMINENT (Precision medicine platform in neurodegenerative disease)
- RECOGNISED (Retinal and cognitive dysfunction in type 2 diabetes: unravelling the common pathways and identification of patients at risk of dementia)
- collaborate as an associate partner or sub-contractor in the following research projects
- ABOARD (A personalised medicine approach for Alzheimer’s disease)
- HomeDem (Co-designing a Home with Dementia)
- PRIME (Prevention and Remediation of Insulin Multimorbidity in Europe)
- REBALANCE (Mechanisms of focused ultRasound mEdiated BrAin cLeAniNg Coupled with enhanced mEchanosensation)
Corporate Affairs
In 2025, Alzheimer Europe will
- continue to engage with Horizon Europe, the Innovative Health Initiative, the Joint Programme Neurodegenerative Diseases Research (JPND) and the European Partnership for Personalised Medicine (EP PerMed) to identify opportunities to contribute to and participate in pan-European research projects,
- continue its active involvement in a number of EU funded projects by promoting public involvement activities with people with dementia and their carers in the research consortium, by contributing to the ethical discussions and by supporting the communication and dissemination activities towards a non-scientific audience:
ADIS (Early Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease by Immune Profiling of Cytotoxic Lymphocytes and Recording of Sleep Disturbances)
AD-RIDDLE (Real world implementation, deployment and validation of early detection tools and lifestyle enhancement)
AI-MIND (Intelligent digital tools for screening of brain connectivity and dementia risk estimation in people affected by mild cognitive impairment)
AI4Hope (Artificial intelligence cased health, optimism, purpose and endurance in palliative care for dementia)
eBRAIN-Health (Actionable Multilevel Health Data)
EPND (European Platform for Neurodegenerative Diseases)
LETHE (A personalized prediction and intervention model for early detection and reduction of risk factors causing dementia, based on explainable AI and distributed Machine Learning)
MultiMeMo (Shorter- and longer-term mechanisms of multimodal interventions to prevent dementia)
Pattern-Cog (Personalized aging pattern for early risk detection and prevention of cognitive impairment and dementia in cognitively healthy individuals)
PREDICTOM (Prediction of Alzheimer’s disease using an AI driven screening platform)
PROMINENT (Precision medicine platform in neurodegenerative disease)
start its collaboration on the following projects
DORIAN GRAY (Devising a personalised risk stratification and holistic management for prevention of cognitive impairment in patients with different cardiovascular phenotypes)
FIGARO (Finding Alzheimer’s disease progression markers by CSF proteomics)
FluiDx-AD (A novel test trio to detect amyloid beta peptides in saliva and blood for enhanced diagnosis and management of Alzheimer’s disease)
PREDICTFTD (Accelerating the Validation of Predictive Biomarkers for Frontotemporal Dementia Diagnosis and Subclassification)
- collaborate as an associate partner or sub-contractor in the following research projects
ABOARD (A personalised medicine approach for Alzheimer’s disease)
HomeDem (Co-designing a Home with Dementia)
REBALANCE (Mechanisms of focused ultRasound mEdiated BrAin cLeAniNg Coupled with enhanced mEchanosensation)
TEF-Health (Testing and Experimentation Facility for Health AI and Robotics)
2025 Calendar
Date | Meeting | Venue |
28 January (13.00-15.00) | Alzheimer’s Association Academy | Online |
24 February (14.00-17.00) | Alzheimer Europe Board | Online |
25 February (13.00-15.00) | Alzheimer’s Association Academy | Online |
24-25 March (13.00-17.00 and 9.00-12.30) | Alzheimer Europe Board | Luxembourg, Luxembourg |
24 March (17.00-18.00) | Alzheimer Europe Foundation Board | Luxembourg, Luxembourg |
25-26 March (14.00-17.00 and 9.00-16.00) | European Working Group of People with Dementia | Luxembourg, Luxembourg |
1 April (14.00-17.00) | Company Round Table | Online |
9 April (14.00-17.00) | European Group of Governmental Experts on Dementia | Online |
22 April (13.00-15.00) | Alzheimer’s Association Academy | Online |
27 May (13.00-15.00) | Alzheimer’s Association Academy | Online |
2 June (14.00-17.00) | Alzheimer Europe Board | Brussels, Belgium |
3 June (9.00-11.30) | Company Round Table Meeting | Brussels, Belgium |
3 June (12.30-14.00) | European Parliament Lunch Debate | Brussels, Belgium |
3 June (14.30-17.00) | Public Affairs Meeting | Brussels, Belgium |
3-4 June (9.00-17.00 and 9.00-16.00) | European Dementia Carers Working Group | Brussels, Belgium |
4 June (9.00-12.00) | Annual General Meeting | Brussels, Belgium |
15 July (13.00-15.00) | Alzheimer’s Association Academy | Online |
16 September (13.00-15.00) | Alzheimer’s Association Academy | Online |
17 September (14.00-17.00) | Company Round Table Meeting | Online |
29 September (14.00-17.00) | Alzheimer Europe Board | Online |
5-6 October (14.00-17.00 and 9.00-12.00) | European Dementia Carers Working Group | Bologna, Italy |
5-6 October (14.00-17.00 and 9.00-12.00) | European Working Group of People with Dementia | Bologna, Italy |
5-6 October (14.00-17.00 and 9.00-12.00) | European Group of Governmental Experts on Dementia | Bologna, Italy |
6-8 October | 35th Alzheimer Europe Conference “Connecting science and communities: The future of dementia care” | Bologna, Italy |
18 November (13.00-15.00) | Alzheimer’s Association Academy | Online |
1 December (14.00-17.00) | Alzheimer Europe Board | Brussels, Belgium |
2 December (9.00-11.30) | Company Round Table Meeting | Brussels, Belgium |
2 December (12.30-14.00) | European Parliament Lunch Debate | Brussels, Belgium |
2-3 December (14.30-17.00 and 9.00-12.30) | Public Affairs Meeting | Brussels, Belgium |
9 December (13.00-15.00) | Alzheimer’s Association Academy | Online |
2025 Budget
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2025 Budget
Category | Amount (EUR) |
01. Membership fees | 67,500 |
02. Donations | 5,000 |
03. EU and other public funding | 1,484,300 |
03.01. Operating Grant | 566,900 |
03.02. Project grants | 917,400 |
04. Corporate sponsorship | 437,500 |
05. Project participation and other subsidies | 493,200 |
06. Pub. Sales and royalties |
07. AE Conference | 375,500 |
08. Deferred Income |
09. Financial income | 7,500 |
10. Other revenue |
11. Contributions in kind | 124,500 |
12. Income received on account |
Total AE Income | 3,000,000 |
01. Personnel costs | 1,848,000 |
01.01. Staff costs | 1,635,700 |
01.02. External experts | 212,300 |
02. Travel and Accommodation | 668,050 |
02.01. Travel costs | 120,600 |
02.02. Accommodation costs | 140,850 |
02.03. Meeting and subsistence costs | 406,600 |
03. Stationery and supplies | 7,500 |
04. Communication costs | 109,000 |
05. Publicity/Info. Material | 137,100 |
06. Rent and office costs | 179,900 |
07. Equipment and leasing | 14,500 |
08. Membership fees | 5,800 |
09. Bank charges | 5,950 |
10. Other costs | 2,000 |
11. Financial charges |
12. Amortisations | 22,200 |
13. AE Foundation |
Total AE Expenses | 3,000,000 |
Surplus/Deficit |