EU second Joint Action on Dementia - Act on Dementia

Building on the success of ALCOVE (Alzheimer Cooperative Valuation in Europe), the first Joint Action on Dementia, the European Commission supported the launch of a 2nd Joint Action through its health programme

On 3 March 2016 in Luxembourg, experts from 10 European countries and from Alzheimer Europe participated in the kick-off meeting of the Joint Action to discuss the methodology, proposed actions and the budgetary implications of this collaboration between EU Member States. The action was led by the Scottish Government on behalf of the United Kingdom, with participation from Bulgaria, France, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Spain and the Department of Health from the United Kingdom. In addition, Cyprus, Germany, Luxembourg, Malta, Portugal as well as Alzheimer Europe contributed to the Joint Action as collaborating stakeholders.

The aim of the 2nd Joint Action was to provide practical guidance for policy makers developing and implementing their national dementia plans, policies and strategies and will focus on four key areas:

  1. Diagnosis and post-diagnostic support
  2. Crisis and care coordination
  3. Residential care
  4. Dementia-friendly communities

The project officially concluded in 2019, with the findings of the project presented at a special symposium at 29 Alzheimer Europe Conference in The Hague, Netherlands.

Overview of the project and its results

Final presentations from members of the Act on Dementia Joint Action

Further details of the project and its findings can be found on the project website: