Alzheimer Europe and the Alzheimer Europe Foundation wanted to award a European journalist for an article, new story or documentary which contributed to combating stigma and promoting a positive image of dementia and people living with dementia.
The awards consisted of a cash prize of EUR 5,000 for the first prize, EUR 2,500 for second prize and EUR 1,250 for third prize. The awards together with a trophy were presented at an award ceremony organised during the European Parliament Dementia Day in Brussels (10 December 2024).
The award was open to journalists established in a member country of Alzheimer Europe for articles, news stories or documentaries which were produced and published in the past three years (2021-2024).
The award was open for stories covered by print media, radio or TV programmes or in social media channels.
Interested journalists were invited to send in information on their news story or documentary by 15 June at the latest. Organisations that wished to nominate a journalist were invited to do so, but needed the written consent of the journalist they nominate.
Travel and accommodation costs for the top three journalists were covered by Alzheimer Europe, to attend the award ceremony in Brussels on 10 December.
1st place: Documentary film «Alzheimer mit 56 – Das Familienleben nach der Diagnose» in the Reporter series on Swiss Television (Switzerland)
2nd place: Second Start Armenia Radio Show (Armenia)
3rd place: Willkommen Alzheim (Austria)
Important dates
- 15 April: Launch of call for applications
- 15 June: Deadline for submitting applications
- 30 June: Review of applications by Alzheimer Europe staff and members and selection of short listed applications to present their initiatives
- 15 July: Meeting of Award Committee to select three winners
- 10 December: Presentation by three short listed initiative and presentation of awards during networking dinner at European Parliament Dementia Day
Award Committee
- Alzheimer Europe Foundation: Heike von Lützau-Hohlbein, Chris Roberts and Iva Holmerová
- Alzheimer Europe: Maria do Rosário Zincke dos Reis and Mario Possenti
- C2N Diagnostics: Daniel Connell
- European Working Group of People with Dementia: Lilo Klotz and Kevin Quaid
- European Dementia Carers Working Group: Magnús Karl Magnússon and Zornitsa Karagyozova
- Lilly: Laura Campo
- Roche: Shady Sedhom
- 2023 Award Winner: Ripaljeet Kaur (BME Dementia Service, United Kingdom)