
Alzheimer Europe set up the European Working Group of People with Dementia (EWGPWD) in 2012. The members of the group are nominated by their national Alzheimer associations and serve for three-year terms.

In 2024, there were elections to nominate people to the group for the next three-year term. The EWGPWD is comprised of a maximum of 15 people (in principle each from a different country), all nominated by the member organisations of Alzheimer Europe.

Alzheimer Europe supports the travel and accommodation costs of members of the EWGPWD as well as those of a carer, should this be necessary. The working language of the EWGPWD is English: people wishing to join the EWGPWD should be able to follow discussions and read documents in English and to express their ideas (with the help of the accompanying carer of their choice if necessary) to the group in English.

Contact details of the member associations of Alzheimer Europe can be found at: