"How to Live Well with Dementia: Expert Help for People Living with Dementia and their Family, Friends, and Care Partners" provides an array of essential guidance about the different aspects of dementia for all whose lives are touched by dementia, including people living with dementia and their support network. Following an effective Q&A framework, this book offers valuable, easy-to-navigate guidance on the burning questions that those living with a dementia diagnosis and their carer/supporter need to know. Questions addressed include: ‘How can I adjust to life with the diagnosis?’, ‘How can I plan for the future?’ and ‘How can we support our loved ones living with dementia?’
It provides expert explanations about changes in the brain and the various causes and types of dementia, as well as support on how to adjust to living with a diagnosis. It also offers practical information about care planning and advanced directives, maintaining health and social connections, accessing appropriate community care, and supporting medical and hospital care. It concludes with important self-care information for care/support partners. Written jointly by academic experts and experts through lived experience, this book is indispensable for people living with dementia, care partners, and anyone wanting to understand more about the condition, as well as health and social care professionals and students of health and social care. The four authors of this new book are Anthea Innes, Carmel Geoghegan, Megan E. O'Connell and Phyllis Fehr.