Luxembourg's Info-Zenter Demenz publishes video interview with Chris Roberts discussing his life with dementia


On 14 October, the Info-Zenter Demenz - Luxembourg's national information and advice centre for all questions relating to memory disorders and dementia - published a video interview with Chris Roberts online. Chris is the former Chairperson and a current member of the European Working Group of People with Dementia. In the video interview, he discusses his experiences of life with dementia. The video is part of a series called "Mäi Liewen Mat Demenz" ("My Life with Dementia"). The Info-Zenter Demenz is very grateful to Chris Roberts for taking the time to do this interview during his visit to Luxembourg for Alzheimer Europe's Annual Meeting, earlier this year. They particularly thank him for his openness and for combatting many stigmas and misconceptions around dementia. Watch the video, here: