Blauer Himmel Weiße Wolken (Blue Sky, White Clouds) is a German-language documentary film featuring a grandmother who is exhibiting the signs of dementia and her two grandchildren. Since the death of her husband, the gaps in her memory are getting bigger and bigger and her disorientation is increasing. Director Astrid Menzel made a decision together with her brother, to go on a ten-day canoe trip across northern German waters with their 86-year-old grandmother. It was an adventure with an uncertain outcome, a fact which the three travellers had to face anew at each stage of their journey together.
The trip was documented on film and the end result was “Blue Sky, White Clouds”. After its successful premiere at the documentary film festival DOK Leipzig, the film was shown in select cinemas all over Germany, between 24 May and 5 June 2023, as part of a tour with Astrid Menzel. “Blue Sky White Clouds” is a feel-good-movie, which shows the emotional turmoil and intimacy of its protagonists; a larger-than-life grandmother and her two endlessly patient and loving grandchildren. For further information, please contact ACROSS NATIONS at: