On 28 November 2022, The Bob & Diane Fund announced it was awarding its annual Visual Storytelling Grant to New York-born photographer Lori Grinker for her project, “All the Little Things.”. All the Little Things documents the artist's mother’s descent into dementia and battle with cancer, both during COVID restrictions. This time brought the artist close to her mother, something they had never been, previously. The Bob & Diane Fund, launched in June 2016, is an American grant-making organisation dedicated to promoting awareness of Alzheimer’s and dementia-related diseases. It is the passion project of Gina Martin, whose mother, Diane, died from Alzheimer’s dementia. Diane’s husband of 50 years, Bob, who was her primary carer, died three months later. The “Visual Storytelling Grant”, now in its seventh year, aims to bring awareness, interest, and support for funding research efforts, by awarding a photographer whose work tells the stories of people living with dementia, with dignity and respect. You can view Lori Grinker's project, All The Little Things, here: http://www.bobanddianefund.org/2022-grantee
Photo credit: Lori Grinker, Bob & Diane Fund