Organising Committee
- BECKER Stefanie, Alzheimer Schweiz Suisse Svizzera
- COURVOISIER Sophie, Association Alzheimer Genève, Switzerland
- FRISONI Giovanni, University of Geneva, Switzerland
- GEORGES Jean, Alzheimer Europe, Luxembourg
- GUILLORY Gwladys, Alzheimer Europe, Luxembourg
- SUOMU Katariina, Alzheimer Society of Finland (Muistiliitto)
Programme commitee
- BAKKER Christian, Radboud UMC, Netherlands
- BANDA Peter, EDCWG, Slovakia
- BECKER Stefanie, Alzheimer Suisse Schweiz Svizzera, Switzerland
- BINTENER Chris, Alzheimer Europe, Luxembourg
- BIRCK Cindy, Alzheimer Europe, Luxembourg
- BLOM Marco, Alzheimer Nederland, Netherlands
- BOOR-ELLIS Kate, Alzheimer Europe, Luxembourg
- BRADSHAW Angela, Alzheimer Europe, Luxembourg
- CAMPILL Sarah, Alzheimer Europe, Luxembourg
- CAPSTICK Andrea, Centre for Applied Dementia Studies, Bradford, United Kingdom
- CROSBIE Paddy, EDCWG, Ireland
- DASSEN Fania, Maastricht University, Netherlands
- DECKERS Kay, Maastricht University, Netherlands
- DIAZ Ana, Alzheimer Europe, Luxembourg
- DNEBOSKA Sylva, EDCWG, Czech Republic
- DUFFNER Lukas, Alzheimer Europe, Luxembourg
- DUPONT Charlèss, VUB, Netherlands
- ELLERMAA Chris, EDCWG, Estonia
- FRANCO Manuel, University of Salamanca, Spain
- FREDERIKSEN Kristian Steen, Rigshospitalet, Denmark
- FRIEDERICI René, Association Luxembourg Alzheimer, Luxembourg
- GEORGES Jean, Alzheimer Europe, Luxembourg
- GERRITZEN Esther, Nottingham University, United Kingdom
- GIEBEL Clarissa, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom
- GILLY Lorène, France Alzheimer, France
- GOVE Dianne, Alzheimer Europe, Luxembourg
- HANDELS Ron, Maastricht University, Netherlands
- HARALDSEN Ira Hebold, Oslo University Hospital, Norway
- HEFFERNAN Andy, The Alzheimer Society of Ireland, Ireland
- HEFFERNAN Eithne, Nottingham University, United Kingdom
- HENEKA Michael, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
- HOLMEROVÀ Iva, Alzheimer Europe Foundation, Czech Republic
- HORT Jakub, Charles University, Prague, Czechia
- KEADY John, University of Manchester, United Kingdom
- KNUDSEN Pia, EWGPWD, Denmark
- KÖHLER Sebastian, Masstricht University, Netherlands
- LAMIREL Daphné, Alzheimer Europe, Luxembourg
- MACIULSKYTE Sonata, EDCWG, Lithuania
- MÀTLOVÀ Martina, Czech Alzheimer’s Society, Czechia
- MILLER Owen, Alzheimer Europe, Luxembourg
- MORADI-BACHILLER Soraya, Alzheimer Europe, Luxembourg
- NORTHEDGE Barry, EDCWG, United Kingdom
- OPPIKOFER Sandra, Zürich University, Switzerland
- ORRELL Martin, Institute of Mental Health, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom
- OUSSET Pierre-Jean, Gerontopole Toulouse, France
- PAPMA Janne, Erasmus UMC, Netherlands
- PORTERI Corinna, IRCCS Centro San Giovanni di Dio Fatebenefratelli, Italy
- POSSENTI Mario, Federazione Alzheimer Italia, Italy
- QUAID Kevin, EWGPWD, Ireland
- RICHARD Edo, Radboud UMC, Netherlands
- ROBERTS Chris, EWGPWD, United Kingdom
- RÖCKE Christina, Zürich University, Switzerland
- ROCHFORD-BRENNAN Helen, Alzheimer Europe Foundation, Ireland
- ROES Martina, DZNE, Germany
- RYSAVA Vera, EWGPWD, Czech Republic
- SOLOMON Alina, University of Eastern Finland, Finland
- SCARMEAS Nick, National and Kapdistrian University of Athens, Greece
- SCERRI Anthony, University of Malta, Malta
- SCERRI Charles, Malta Dementia Society, Malta
- SCHERMER Maartje, ErasmusMC, Netherlands
- SNAEDAL Jón G, National University Hospital of Iceland, Iceland
- SUOMU Katariina, Muistiliitto, Finland
- SALOMON Trevor, EDCWG, United Kingdom
- THYRIAN René, Deutsche Alzheimer Gesellschaft, Germany
- VERHEY Frans, Maastricht University, Netherlands
- WATCHMAN Karen, University of Stirling, United Kingdom
- WIMO Anders, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden
- ZINCKE DOS REIS Maria do Rosário, Alzheimer Portugal, Portugal
- ZUIDEMA Sytse, UMC Groningen, Netherlands