Intercultural Support

This database contains information of potential interest to people with dementia and their supporters (e.g. family, friends and informal carers) from minority ethnic groups, as well as to professional carers, policy makers and all involved in designing, developing and providing intercultural care and support for people with dementia.

The identification and sharing of tried and tested initiatives and materials should hopefully provide ideas and a solid basis for the development or improvement of such services and support in Europe, adapting them where necessary, and at the same time help avoid the duplication of efforts. This database is an ongoing repository of information and we would be pleased to hear from you about other initiatives and relevant materials in Europe. 


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Exercises to activate the brain 1

The ETNIMU activities booklet is addressed to group leaders promoting the mental well-being of immigrants living in Finland and having a different cultural background. It contains 22 exercises designed to improve coordination and concentration by improving interaction between the brain and muscles. The brain needs activation. The exercises range...

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Initiative Type

Memory Interpreter materials for memory testing

Memory Interpreter materials for the memory test situation (solely for use by memory specialists together with a memory interpreter): The materials are in Finnish but some parts have been translated for trained memory interpreters e.g. mapping of clients’ background for memory test, questions for relatives, friends or carers at the memory test, the...

Target Audience
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Initiative Type
Alzheimer Europe's database on intercultural initiatives was developed as part of the 2018 Work Plan which received funding under an operating grant from the European Union’s Health Programme (2014–2020).
Alzheimer Europe also gratefully acknowledges the funding provided by Robert Bosch Stiftung.