Research Projects

This database contains information on EU funded dementia research projects, undertaken since 2007. It is the product of a mapping exercise of European funding programmes for dementia research conducted by Alzheimer Europe in 2020. This database is not an exhaustive resource of information. It contains information about European projects that are funded by European programmes including FP7, H2020, IMI, JNPD, AAL and EU Health. For an overview of projects, Alzheimer Europe is involved in, visit:


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A Drug Discovery and Target Identification Screening Platform for Age-Associated Neurodegenerative Disorders


Battling human neurodegenerative pathologies, and their pervasive societal impact, is a global multi-billion Euro enterprise. Ageing is universally associated with marked decrease of neuronal function and higher susceptibility to neurodegeneration. In human populations, this is manifested as an ever-increasing prevalence of devastating...

Funding Programme
Start Date
End Date
Total Funding
€ 150 000
European Countries Involved

A European multicentre double-blind placebo-controlled phase III trial of nilvadIpine in mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease


Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is an ever-increasing public health concern among the aging population and is the most common form of dementia affecting more than 15 million individuals worldwide and around 5 million Europeans. The direct and indirect costs of AD and other dementias amount to more than €440,000 million each year (, 2010).Even...

Funding Programme
Start Date
End Date
Total Funding
€ 7 916 016

A technology pLatform for the Assisted living of Dementia elDerly INdividuals and their carers


The aim of the project is to utilise state-of-the-art in ICT in order to develop an integrated solution for the  self-management of dementia patients, and develop innovative tools to support this procedure. This  solution can be conceived as an integrated platform enabling distant monitoring of patient status and  facilitating personalised...

Funding Programme
Start Date
End Date
Total Funding
€ 1 980 757
European Countries Involved

affecTive basEd iNtegrateD carE for betteR Quality of Life


With an increasingly growing population in Europe, cognitive impairments as well as heart diseases are a major social and health issue. 1.2 million people in Europe are affected by Parkinson's disease (PD) while Alzheimer’s disease remains one of the biggest global public health challenges our generation is facing, while Cardiovascular disease...

Funding Programme
Start Date
End Date
Total Funding
€ 5 698 333
European Countries Involved

ALzheimer COoperative Valuation in Europe

The JA will be contribute to public health programmes in Europe and develop Alzheimers disease (AD) and dementia prevention and care models in different European countries. The aim is to contribute to improvements in health by supporting and facilitating quality and efficiency of public health and healthcare policies and interventions. Synergy and...

Funding Programme
Start Date
End Date
Total Funding
€ 613 100

Consortium on Health and Ageing: Network of Cohorts in Europe and the United States


CHANCES aims at combining and integrating on-going cohort studies in order to produce evidence on ageing-related health characteristics and determinants in Europe, and their socio-economic implications. 15 cohorts participate, covering populations from 18 EU Member States, 4 associate countries, and 3 additional countries. The combination of these...

Funding Programme
Start Date
End Date
Total Funding
€ 15 410 903

Deep-Learning and HPC to Boost Biomedical Applications for Health


Health scientific discovery and innovation are expected to quickly move forward under the so called “fourth paradigm of science”, which relies on unifying the traditionally separated and heterogeneous high-performance computing and big data analytics environments. Under this paradigm, the DeepHealth project will provide HPC computing power at the...

Funding Programme
Start Date
End Date
Total Funding
€ 14 642 324
European Countries Involved

EUropean Research initiative to develop Imaging Probes for early In-vivo Diagnosis and Evaluation of response to therapeutic Substances


'We aim develop in-vivo imaging biomarker of multidrug transporter function as a generic tool for the prediction, diagnosis, monitoring and prognosis of major CNS diseases, as well as to provide support and guidance for therapeutic interventions. Multidrug transporters actively transport substrates (including multiple CNS drugs) against...

Funding Programme
Start Date
End Date
Total Funding
€ 9 086 523
European Countries Involved

eWall for Active Long Living


Independent living of senior citizens is one of the main challenges linked to the ageing population, due to the impact on: (a) the life of the elderly people, (b) the national health systems, (c) the insurance companies, (d) the relatives and (e) the care-givers. Senior citizens may suffer from a number of diseases, including the decline in...

Funding Programme
Start Date
End Date
Total Funding
€ 8 838 005

How to best meet the needs of people with dementia with severe behavioural disturbances. Toward a respectful and cost-effective model


The RECAGE project will tackle one of the most challenging problem arising during the clinical course of dementia: the so-called Behavioural and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia (BPSD). The current state-of-the-art of the treatment of these symptoms is still unsatisfactory and there are many unmet needs in this area. The major objective of the...

Funding Programme
Start Date
End Date
Total Funding
€ 2 824 038
European Countries Involved

ICT services for Life Improvement For the Elderly


There are many efforts at European level to improve our ability to monitor health and to prevent, detect, treat and manage disease so that active and healthy ageing can be promoted. In this project, breakthrough research and radical innovation on new services for integrated care is achieved by means of an efficient and cost-effective service...

Funding Programme
Start Date
End Date
Total Funding
€ 3 433 219
European Countries Involved

implementAtion anD OPeration of the gateway for healTh into BBMRI-ERIC


BBMRI-ERIC: the Biobanking and BioMolecular resources Research Infrastructure - European Research Infrastructure Consortium, aims to establish, operate and develop a Pan-European distributed research infrastructure in order to facilitate the access to biological resources as well as facilities and to support high quality biomolecular and biomedical...

Funding Programme
Start Date
End Date
Total Funding
€ 4 949 449
Alzheimer Europe's database on research projects was developed as part of the 2020 Work Plan which received funding under an operating grant from the European Union’s Health Programme (2014–2020).