The ITRIBIS project is envisaged to improve research at the Institute of Biomedicine of Seville (IBiS) and to help this center to become a reference of biomedical translational research applied to prevalent diseases in Southern Europe. It also aims to boosting the transfer of results to the clinical setting and to the local biotechnological companies, thereby resulting in the production of tangible benefits for the region. The ITRIBIS is focused in a major translational research line, cell degeneration (brain, heart, cancer), accompanied by another, more specific, focusing on antimicrobial resistance. These research lines comprise the four main areas in which IBiS is currently organized. The Institute is tightly linked to the University Hospital Virgen del Rocio (HUVR), one of the largest in Spain. ITRIBIS will improve IBiS research quality and potential through several specific actions: [1] Recruitment of six senior scientists with the following professional profiles: a) A clinician and a basic scientists working on the molecular bases of Alzheimer disease, with proven experience in phase I/II clinical trials. The doctor will direct the “dementia clinic” of the HUVR, and the researcher will develop epidemiological and experimental studies on neurodegenerative diseases, particularly on those of ischemic and vascular origin. b) Two basic/translational scientists working on cardiovascular research and one on antimicrobial resistance. c) An expert scientist in bioinformatics, to lead the new bioinformatics platform. [2] Reinforcement of the IBiS Core Facilities through the acquisition of research equipment and the recruitment of five technicians that will develop the areas of Bioinformatics, Imaging, Proteomics, and Data storage. These measures will complement and potentiate the existing facilities of the center. [3] Exchange of know-how and experience with several partner institutions distributed in Europe (Karolinska Institute, Sweden; Munich Technical University, Germany; European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Germany, and its subsidiary European Bioinformatics Institute, United Kingdom; Institute of Cancer Research, United Kingdom; the Fribourg University, Switzerland; and LabEX LERMIT, University Paris Sud, France, among other). The partnership will include two-way trans-national visits and scientific training. [4] Elaboration of an Intellectual Property plan to potentiate current efforts to improve innovation and the effective transfer of scientific knowledge. Dissemination activities will be carefully planned in order to maximize IBiS and ITRIBIS project visibility. The ITRIBIS initiative has the institutional support of regional authorities as well as the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC). Measures will be implemented to ensure proper scientific and technical management and follow up of the project.
Fundacion Publica Andaluza Para Lagestion De La Investigacion En Salud De Sevilla