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Amyloid imaging to Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease


Start Date
End Date
Total Funding
€ 27 329 288
Funding Programme

Beta-amyloid (β-amyloid) deposition is considered to be a necessary - but not sufficient - step on the path towards Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Depiction of brain β-amyloid in vivo can support an early diagnosis, and even provide an opportunity for consider secondary prevention of AD. Currently, however, the value of β-amyloid PET remains elusive, reason why this procedure is typically not reimbursed.

Understanding the value of imaging of β-amyloid using positron emission tomography (PET) provides a unique opportunity to achieve 3 major goals:

1) improve the diagnostic workup of patients suspected of AD and their management;

2) stratify risk for AD and select homogenous groups for intervention; and

3) quantify treatment effects more accurately.

AMYPAD will address the above objectives by studying the onset, dynamics, and clinical relevance of brain β-amyloid in the spectrum from normal aging to preclinical and prodromal AD. We will use β-amyloid-PET in an unprecedented large number of subjects (n=4000) from population studies, as well as memory clinics cohorts, with repeat imaging in up to 2000. In close collaboration with EPAD (, the cohorts will be followed with to determine (surrogate) outcomes of cognitive decline and neurodegeneration.

Lead from VU-VUmc, the Consortium brings together a word-class team of highly synergistic partners from across Europe constituting a highly experienced and efficient β-amyloid imaging network including the most active European PET sites, to ensure effective tracer delivery, access to patients and expertise to technical knowledge and disease modelling.

AMYPAD will establish the true value of β-amyloid PET across the severity range of AD. Patients and clinicians will benefit from better and cost-effective diagnostic procedures and management, while academics and industry will benefit from better disease understanding, clear reimbursement strategy and more rationale and efficient clinical trial design.

Project partners

Stichting Vumc

Ixico Technologies Limited

Life Molecular Imaging Ltd

Klinikum Der Universitaet Zu Koeln

Fundacio Barcelonabeta Brain Research Center

Universite De Geneve

Stichting Katholieke Universiteit

Centre Hospitalier Universitaire De Toulouse

Karolinska Institutet

University College London

Ge Healthcare Limited

Synapse Research Management Partners Sl

Alzheimer Europe

The University Of Edinburgh

Janssen Pharmaceutica Nv

Alzheimer Europe's database on research projects was developed as part of the 2020 Work Plan which received funding under an operating grant from the European Union’s Health Programme (2014–2020).