Swedish Government announces new national dementia strategy


On 22 January, the Swedish Government announced its adoption of an updated national dementia strategy to improve health and social care for people with dementia, including the approval of government agency assignments and funding. The national dementia strategy establishes four overarching goals: 

1. Social services and health and medical care measures for people with dementia must be adapted to the needs and circumstances of the individual. 

2. Social services and health and medical care measures for people who have dementia must be coordinated, promote health and prevent ill health. 

3. Social services and health and medical care staff must work according to evidence and proven experience. 

4. Relatives of a person with dementia must have access to adequate support and knowledge to enable them to exercise voluntary care of relatives in a sustainable way. 

The updated strategy includes new components including, a set time-frame, clear goals to facilitate follow-up, as well as addressing several new areas, including health and medical care, dental care and preventative measures. In conjunction with the adoption of the strategy, the Government also plans to approve a number of government agency assignments and funding to support implementation, follow-up and development of the strategy. Further details on the new strategy can be found at at:
