Dementia Lithuania organised a Memory Walk this year, marking World Alzheimer's Day. The programme was organised in collaboration with the Lithuanian Sports University and touched upon the theme of World Alzheimer‘s Month 2023, which was "never too early, never too late“. Jolita Švatienė, who is the carer for her mother who has Pick’s disease, led the practice to reflect on the inner resources that people might have, when facing a challenging situation. “Finding what brings us joy, focusing on what things are in our control rather than what isn’t – that’s what the best we can do for ourselves”.
Professionals working in the field of dementia, including psychologist Solveiga Žukauskienė and Gintarė Žičkevičienė invited the participants to explore how to extend the years of quality life for a person living with dementia, and examined the aspects of quality of communication in a care relationship. Associate Professor Vida Česnaitienė from the Lithuanian Sports University led physical activity practices that everyone could integrate in their daily life to support their wellbeing. People not only from Kaunas, but from all around the Lithuania came to take part. The event was a manifestation of the community that is touched by dementia. Around 50 people who are caring after their relatives and people who work in the field of dementia gathered for the Memory Walk.
According to Ieva Petkutė, lead of “Dementia Lithuania” and curator of the event: “The event had a symbolic meaning of not only sharing the path, the pace and the experience with each other. It is also a manifestation that the people are living with dementia do lack visibility." The organisers of the event collected feedback from the participants, which highlighted the importance of making this event a tradition. Here are some of their words: “This is a wonderful way to inform society and also for the people, who are challenged by dementia to meet people who understand. The event of such a framework attracts the people. The most important is that you can meet people, who also care for their loved ones – then you feel supported and feel visible”. Dementia Lithuania is committed to continuing to organise the Memory Walk, going forward.