Jersey Government launches dementia strategy


The Jersey Government has launched “Strong Foundations: A Dementia Strategy for Jersey”, a five year-dementia strategy developed in partnership with Dementia Jersey. The strategy sets out five priority areas to develop and improve the support available for people living with a dementia, their families and carers: 

• Raising awareness of brain health and of dementia 

• Diagnosing well 

• Supporting people with a dementia and their families

 • Developing, valuing and supporting the workforce 

• Supporting Jersey to become a dementia-friendly and inclusive Island.

The strategy was developed with oversight from a steering group which included a person with dementia, family carers, members of the government from health and public health, representatives from Dementia Jersey and partners from the independent care sector. Engagement sessions and survey were to understand what is most helpful and what changes would make things better, collecting the views of people with dementia, their families and the professionals involved in their care and treatment, as well as members of the public. The full strategy is available at: