G7 launches Solfagnano Charter on disability inclusion


On 16 October, G7 members, under the Italian Presidency, adopted the Solfagnano Charter, a first-of-its-kind document setting out priorities in relation to disability inclusion, as well as commitments for countries in attendance at the meeting. The document is inspired by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) and contains eight priorities under which more specific actions and policies are discussed to improve the inclusion and empowerment of people with dementia. 

The priority areas are:

 1. Inclusion as a priority issue in the political agenda of all countries

 2. Access and accessibility

 3. Autonomous and independent life

 4. Enhancement of talents and work inclusion

 5. Promotion of new technologies

 6. Sports, recreational and cultural dimensions of life 

7. Dignity of life and appropriate community-based services 8. Prevention and management of emergency preparedness and post-emergency management situations, including climate crises, armed conflicts and humanitarian crises. 

The full charter is available at: https://www.g7disabilityinclusion.it/en/the-charter-of-solfagnano/