European Commission publishes independent living guidance


On 20 November 2024, the European Commission published a Notice on “Guidance on independent living and inclusion in the community of persons with disabilities in the context of EU funding”. This fulfils the European Commission’s “flagship initiatives” within the European Strategy on Rights of Persons with Disabilities” 201-2030. The guidance provides recommendations to Member States on the use of EU funding to support the transition from institutional care to community-based services and independent living for people with disabilities. As well as highlighting the existing policy context for independent living, the Notice provides practical guidance on the use of EU funding to promote the realisation of the right of people with disabilities to live independently and be included within their communities. 

The guidance also highlights examples of measures funded by the EU in Member States, which have fostered the development of community and family-based services, as well as support for independent living and the implementation of deinstitutionalisation strategies. Additionally, the Annex to the Notice provides a self-assessment tool for operations and projects, in the context of both the Charter of Fundamental Rights and the UNCRPD. The Notice can be is available at: