A decade of impactful advocacy: ‘The Dementia Carers Campaign Network’ marks 10 years


On 17 April, The Dementia Carers Campaign Network (DCCN) marked a significant milestone as they celebrated their 10th Anniversary at an event in Dublin. Minister of State for Mental Health and Older People, Mary Butler TD, joined The Alzheimer Society of Ireland’s (The ASI) DCCN in honour-ing the advocacy group's decade-long commitment to advo-cating for those caring for people living with dementia. The event, kindly hosted by the Lord Mayor of Dublin, Daithí de Róiste, at the Mansion House, highlighted the impactful work of the DCCN since its inception in 2014. 

The DCCN is a group of people who have experience caring for and supporting a person living with dementia. Established with the support of The ASI, the group aims to be a voice of, and for, dementia carers in Ireland and to raise awareness of issues affecting families living with dementia. Supported by Judy Williams, Advocacy, Engagement and Participation Of-ficer at The ASI, the DCCN has become a powerful voice for those caring for people living with the condition.In the past decade, the DCCN has made significant strides in amplifying the lived experience of dementia carers in Ireland. 

Through their work, the group brought the voices of dementia carers and supporters to the forefront, challenging stigma and driving increased funding for dementia supports. Members have contributed to national policy, most critically, to Ireland’s ‘National Dementia Strategy’ and the ‘Model of Care for De-mentia’ in Ireland. They have supported The ASI to develop resources, raise funds and undertake political advocacy. The DCCN has undertaken many media engagements to ensure carer voices are heard and it has contributed thousands of volunteer hours in research, policy, and practice development.