The Panhellenic Federation of Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders is a non-profit organisation that was founded in 2007 and consists of 53 linked Associations of Alzheimer’s disease all over Greece. The main objectives of the Panhellenic Federation are the coordination and cooperation of companies/members in terms of social contribution and the awareness of the patients affected by dementia and their caregivers’ needs. The next goals of the Panhellenic Federation are:
• To create structures, services and conditions that improve the quality of life of patients and their carers
• To promote research,
• To provide education and training for all stakeholders
• To provide useful information and advice on problems related to dementia
• To prevent the marginalisation of people affected by dementia.
As from the start of 2024, the Panhellenic Federation has a new Board structure:
President : M. Tsolaki
Vice Presidents: I. Kortsidaki; M. Tzanakaki-Melissari
Secretary General: S. Tsilikis
Treasurer: D. Rallis
Members: D. Moraitou, D. Theodoropoulos, Aik. Nomidou, Chr.Vouxaras, G. Papantoniou, V. Kampourlazos, P. Potou-ridis, V. Pattakou-Parasiri, M. Gkioka, El. Poptsi.