The Alzheimer Society of Ireland launches its first Dementia Research Award


The Alzheimer Society of Ireland (ASI) launched its first Dementia Research Award on 19 January 2023. This funding available is to a maximum value of EUR 100,000 towards a project of 9-24 months duration. This ASI is inviting proposals that have the potential to deliver excellent, informative and impactful research to the dementia community. The key themes of the award have been informed by a national research prioritisation exercise, ASI staff, volunteers, people living with dementia and family carers. The ASI is committed to funding excellent research that is relevant and important to people affected by dementia, their families, and health and social care professionals who work with people with dementia. The ASI also understands the significant time and effort that goes into writing extensive funding applications and is therefore piloting a two-step review process. Researchers in Higher Education Institutions in the Republic of Ireland will first be invited to submit a short proposal which will be reviewed by people living with dementia, family carers and health and social care professionals. The five proposals that are deemed the most important and most relevant for people affected by dementia will then be invited to make a full application that will undergo international scientific peer review. The deadline for queries is 20 February and the proposal deadline is 6 March 2023. For more information about this award, please visit: