Mohammed talks about dementia being a cognitive disease that can happen to anyone and points out that "with the support from family and professionals, you and your loved ones can manage this condition effectively"
As we get older it’s natural to become more forgetful. However in some cases this may become more noticeable. Accompanied by other changes in mood and behaviour, this could indicate that a person has a condition called dementia. We know that this can be a confusing time for friends, family and the person affected, which is why the Bristol Dementia...
A video clip in English about the South Asian Dementia Cafe, which usually operates on a fortnightly basis but has been replace by phone calls during the pandemic
Translated information, examples of good practice and outreach projects. Including links to an interactive tour of the brain (in Arabic and Chinese). Link to Dementia Australian website which contains general information about the Rowland Universal Dementia Assessment Scale (RUDAS): “a short cognitive screening instrument designed to minimise the...
Faiza talks about the stigma associate with dementia and explains that dementia is more common in our community than we are willing to admit. She says "Support and Understanding form a major part of the treatment". There are subtitles in English
YouTube video clip about Chanchalben Patel who was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease in 1997. Prabhakant, her son, and his wife became her sole carers. Some family members felt ashamed and would not acknowledge that she was sick. After she died the couple were ostracised by their community for being so open about the diagnosis. She died in 2004
EachStep Blackburn is a pioneering £5m dementia care service that provides specialist respite, residential, nursing and end of life care. Community Integrated Care has strived to ensure that our home is inclusive of the entire local community. We've formed a thriving partnership with the leading South Asian community group, One Voice. This has seen...
The BME Dementia Forum, founded in 2013, aims to help BME dementia workers in Leeds to improve services for people with dementia and their carers, specifically people from BME communities
The University of the West of England (UWE) spoke to older people and their families from African-Caribbean, Chinese and South Asian communities in Bristol in order to find out about the experiences of people with dementia. Hear them talk about their experiences of dementia in this film
Booklet which provides background information about the South Asian community in the UK, explains the cultural context of caring, covering for example gender issues, religious practices, challenges and barriers experienced by BME carers of people with dementia and issues related to interpretation. It also contains background information about...
Retired nurse Clarice grew up in Jamaica, in St Ann. She excelled at maths, and as a tomboy spent her days playing cricket and climbing trees. She initially found it hard to adjust to the smog of 1950s London, but after her nursing training she never looked back. As well as raising six children and working as a nurse in the prison service, Clarice...
Culture Dementia UK was founded in February 1998. Culture Dementia UK was previously known as Friends of African/Caribbean Carers and Sufferers of Dementia (FACCSD). We became a National charity in the same year. We were set up to support carers and people living with of dementia among the African/Caribbean community. We identified the need for...
The Dementia Friendly Gurudwaras Project is a local initiative in Bradford spear-headed by Sikh healthcare professionals who are passionate about making a difference to those affected by dementia
This short video is about a residential care home in Devon for people with dementia of Polish origin. All staff who are employed in the home speak some Polish
A series of individual DVDs and leaflets (Memory loss? Confusion? Change in behaviour? Your questions answered. A film about dementia) in English and other community languages, designed to answer common questions and to provide information about free support available in the area. The Dementia Wellbeing Service also ensures that every GP practice...
In this film Phillip, who lives with dementia, talks about his life as a tailor and pole vault champion, and the hobbies he continues to enjoy today. This film is part of Alzheimer's Society's Remember the person campaign, which asks people to think about the individuals living with dementia and not just the diagnosis. Alzheimer's Society is asking...
The relevance to people from minority ethnic groups is its focus on conducting research in an ethical manner with people from different, sometimes vulnerable, communities.
By 2051 over 2 million people in the UK will have dementia and almost a third will live in care homes. Finding Patience – The Later Years explores what makes good person-centred dementia care in care homes. Person-centred care allows people to live well with dementia and is made possible by the health and care professionals who support them...
"It's OK to talk about Dementia" is an initiative that aims to address the stigma around dementia in black, Asian and ethnic minority (BAEM) communities in the UK. The project is working with 5 dementia champions from BAEM communities who have been raising awareness of dementia, explaining the signs and symptoms and signposting where to go for...
Our Trust recently launched a film specifically aimed at South Asian families affected by dementia. The DVD seeks to address cultural issues, that previous information has not covered, which play a crucial role in families being able to cope with a dementia diagnosis. The gaps in information relate to the South Asian community and the Trust has...
Our Trust recently launched a film specifically aimed at South Asian families affected by dementia. The DVD seeks to address cultural issues, that previous information has not covered, which play a crucial role in families being able to cope with a dementia diagnosis. The gaps in information relate to the South Asian community and the Trust has...
Lily from Chinese Wellbeing talks about living with dementia, including diagnosis and support. She highlights that discussing it out in the open increases understanding for everyone and that with the correct support, dementia symptoms can be managed over time
A short video designed to help people from Chinese Communities to understand dementia. About living with dementia, including diagnosis and support and how with the correct support, dementia symptoms can be managed over time