The Ethiopian Jewish community. According to tradition, Judaism was introduced to Ethiopia by the Queen of Sheba and King Solomon. For thousands of years the Ethiopian Jews lived in a closed community with little contact with other Jewish communities in the world. Most of the community immigrated to Israel from Ethiopia in two waves of mass...
In recent years there has been an emphasis on training and education for professionals by EMDA (the Alzheimer Society of Israel) and the Ministry of Health in the Muslim community. The goal is to improve medical and social services including evaluation, care and support of the family. Support in people's homes, training and education of...
Bedouins are a group of nomadic Arab-Muslim people who have historically inhabited the desert regions in North Africa, the Arabian Peninsula, Iraq and the Levant. Most Bedouins are animal herders who migrate into the desert during the rainy winter season and move back toward the cultivated land in the dry summer months. Bedouin society is tribal...
The ultra-orthodox Jewish community. In the past dementia was considered a mental illness, especially in the case of early onset dementia, and sometimes interfered with the chances of a good marriage arrangement. The ultra-orthodox Jews highly value mental abilities and any cognitive decline might reduce the family’s honour. EMDA, together with an...