2014 Alzheimer Europe Report: Improving continence care for people with dementia living at home

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This report, "Improving continence care for people with dementia living at home" explores the needs of people with dementia living at home and trying to tackle continence problems, often together with their relatives and close friends. This is an area which has been little researched. Moreover, much of the guidance available is geared towards the residential care setting. At the same time, professional carers dealing with people with dementia and continence problems living at home, are not always familiar with the specific issues that people with dementia and their carers face (e.g. in terms of the psychological, social, physical, economic and financial impact). For these reasons, we hope that this publication will be a valuable resource for people with dementia, carers, health and social care providers, service providers and policy makers alike.

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2014 Alzheimer Europe Report: Improving continence care for people with dementia living at home
