Research Projects

This database contains information on EU funded dementia research projects, undertaken since 2007. It is the product of a mapping exercise of European funding programmes for dementia research conducted by Alzheimer Europe in 2020. This database is not an exhaustive resource of information. It contains information about European projects that are funded by European programmes including FP7, H2020, IMI, JNPD, AAL and EU Health. For an overview of projects, Alzheimer Europe is involved in, visit:


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A European DNA bank for deciphering the missing heritability of Alzheimer’s disease


Understanding the genetics of Alzheimer's disease (AD) is one of the best ways of improving our knowledge of the disease's underlying pathophysiological processes. Indeed, genetic factors account for up to 70% of the attributable risk in common forms of AD. The advent of genomic approaches has led to the characterization of 26 genetic determinants...

Funding Programme
Start Date
End Date
Total Funding
€ 3 644 713
European Countries Involved

A European multicentre double-blind placebo-controlled phase III trial of nilvadIpine in mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease


Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is an ever-increasing public health concern among the aging population and is the most common form of dementia affecting more than 15 million individuals worldwide and around 5 million Europeans. The direct and indirect costs of AD and other dementias amount to more than €440,000 million each year (, 2010).Even...

Funding Programme
Start Date
End Date
Total Funding
€ 7 916 016

A smart, hybrid neural-computo device for drug discovery


NEUREKA will bring a paradigm shift in drug discovery for neurological diseases, a sector that suffers multiple, repeated failures exacerbating the economical and societal burden of these incurable diseases. It will do so by addressing a crucial shortcoming: the lack of in vitro systems faithfully reproducing brain pathology that enable the...

Funding Programme
Start Date
End Date
Total Funding
€ 2 776 705
European Countries Involved

A technology pLatform for the Assisted living of Dementia elDerly INdividuals and their carers


The aim of the project is to utilise state-of-the-art in ICT in order to develop an integrated solution for the  self-management of dementia patients, and develop innovative tools to support this procedure. This  solution can be conceived as an integrated platform enabling distant monitoring of patient status and  facilitating personalised...

Funding Programme
Start Date
End Date
Total Funding
€ 1 980 757
European Countries Involved

A Treatment-Oriented Research Project of NCL Disorders as a Major Cause of Dementia in Childhood


The DEM-CHILD project focusses on the main cause for childhood dementia in Europe, the neuronal ceroid lipofuscinoses (NCLs). The NCLs are neurodegenerative diseases characterized by dementia, blindness, epilepsy and physical decline leading to an early death of the patients. Since no cure is currently available, these disorders represent a serious...

Funding Programme
Start Date
End Date
Total Funding
€ 3 971 420
European Countries Involved

ACces to Timely Formal Care


In the absence of a cure for dementia, most research is aimed at an early diagnosis as it opens the way to timely future care and treatment, and can help people take control of their lives and plan ahead. However, people with moderate to severe dementia and their carers are often not receiving services of the type, quality and timing that they need...

Funding Programme
Start Date
End Date
Total Funding
€ 2 396 428
European Countries Involved

Active Living For Alzheimer-patients -ALFA


By means of three different technologies, visual stimulation of mirror neurons in Alzheimer patients, an interactive agenda or diary and a movement monitoring system, people with dementia will be able to improve or sustain their cognitive functions. By developing, integrating and testing these technologies in home-care and residential settings we...

Funding Programme
Start Date
End Date
Total Funding
€ 2 162 987
European Countries Involved

Adaptive Implementation and Validation of the positively evaluated Meeting Centers Support Programme for people with dementia and their carers in Europe


MEETINGDEM aims to implement and evaluate the innovative Meeting Centres Support Programme (MCSP) for community dwelling people with dementia and their family carers, in three European countries: Italy, Poland and the United Kingdom. This person-centred approach has been positively evaluated and adaptively implemented in 118 meeting centres in the...

Funding Programme
Start Date
End Date
Total Funding
€ 1 199 819
European Countries Involved

affecTive basEd iNtegrateD carE for betteR Quality of Life


With an increasingly growing population in Europe, cognitive impairments as well as heart diseases are a major social and health issue. 1.2 million people in Europe are affected by Parkinson's disease (PD) while Alzheimer’s disease remains one of the biggest global public health challenges our generation is facing, while Cardiovascular disease...

Funding Programme
Start Date
End Date
Total Funding
€ 5 698 333
European Countries Involved

ALzheimer COoperative Valuation in Europe

The JA will be contribute to public health programmes in Europe and develop Alzheimers disease (AD) and dementia prevention and care models in different European countries. The aim is to contribute to improvements in health by supporting and facilitating quality and efficiency of public health and healthcare policies and interventions. Synergy and...

Funding Programme
Start Date
End Date
Total Funding
€ 613 100

Alzheimer’s Disease pathology within the ageing physiology


Everybody grows old. But while some people grow old in good health, others experience severe disease, such as Alzheimer's disease. Recent research demonstrates that Alzheimer's disease shares several features with the ageing process and suggests that the pathology is the consequence of something that goes wrong during physiological ageing...

Funding Programme
Start Date
End Date
Total Funding
€ 0
European Countries Involved



Alzheimer disease (AD) is the most common form of dementia among the elderly, whose care in Europe demands an amount of financial resources which is rising dramatically making AD a financial problem. Delaying AD onset by 5 years would decrease its prevalence by 50% with an enormous impact on the financial resources involved in AD care. Hence, it is...

Funding Programme
Start Date
End Date
Total Funding
€ 179 740
European Countries Involved
Alzheimer Europe's database on research projects was developed as part of the 2020 Work Plan which received funding under an operating grant from the European Union’s Health Programme (2014–2020).