“SAVE” is dedicated to the elderly persons, suffering (or at risk of) age-related chronic illnesses and/or mild cognitive issues/disabilities. For these, and a range of “not-so-fit” persons, “SAVE” aims to avoid psychosocial exclusion by “restoring the referential”. The unique goal of “orientation” in a supportive environment – in terms of position-location and/or in terms of safety (in sensor-equipped intelligent houses) is also approached in a broader cognitive and behavioural sense, task-oriented in the “personal cloud” of relatives, friends and caregivers.
Transilvania University of Brasov
Vision Systems SRL
Institute of Space Science - NILPRP Subsidiary
Ikontent Digital Europe KFT.
EVA Vision R&D LLC
Országos Orvosi Rehabilitációs Intézet
Laboratorio delle Idee S.r.l.