MEMENTO provides a solution to help people with dementia to life with a decline of memory – short term memory as well as long term memory. MEMENTO provides a tool to create own set of memories in everyday life. It’s your own picture, voice and video diary. MEMENTO addresses people with early and middle level of dementia such as those subjects with an MMSE score ranging from 24 and 28. The MEMENTO solution comprises of three different devices: 1)The all-day device to record voice notes, video clips and snapshots and which can give small information, a digital blackboard and a smart pen and paper pocket book.
Virtualware 2007 S.A.
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH
BKM Design Studio
Medical University of Vienna
Università di Perugia
Bidaideak - Sociedad Vasca de Minusválidos
Citard Services Ltd