

Ireland's National Dementia Strategy was launched on 17 December 2014 by Prime Minister Enda Kenny, Deputy Prime Minister Joan Burton and Minister Kathleen Lynch, fulfilling the Government's pledge in its Programme for Government 2011-2016 to develop "a national Alzheimer’s and other dementias strategy to 1) increase awareness 2) ensure early diagnosis and intervention and 3) develop enhanced community based services".

In 2013, the Department of Health convened a working group to oversee the development of the National Dementia Strategy, which included a range of stakeholders including the Alzheimer's Society of Ireland.

Outline of strategy

The stated aim of the strategy is to:

"improve dementia care so that people with dementia can live well for as long as possible, can ultimately die with comfort and dignity, and can have services and supports delivered in the best way possible."

To achieve this, the strategy identifies 14 priority actions, grouped under six priority areas:

  1. Better awareness and understanding
  2. Timely diagnosis and intervention
  3. Integrated services, supports and care for people with dementia and their carers
  4. Training and education
  5. Research and information systems
  6. Leadership.

Further information

Further information on the strategy and work related to the implementation of the strategy can be found at:

There is also a related video at

The full text of the strategy and a short guide can be downloaded below.