Belgium - Wallonia


The Plan Alzheimer Wallon was adopted in 2010 by the Wallonia Government, setting out a programme of actions to be taken in relation to dementia.

This followed a resolution of the Wallon Parliament in 2008 and the inclusion of dementia as a policy issue in the regional Political Declaration in 2009.

Outline of Strategy

The Plan had three axes, around which all actions were centred:

  • Axis 1 - Ensure a better knowledge and consideration of pathologies at a societal level
  • Axis 2 - Improve the quality of life of people with Alzheimer's and their families at the various stages of the disease
  • Axis 3 - Better knowledge of the disease and the factors that influence its evolution.

Within these axes, were 13 specific objectives:

  1. To promote a nuanced and non stigmatised perception of memory disease amongst the public
  2. To promote the development of local projects
  3. To provide quality information to people with Alzheimer's and their carers at every stage of the disease
  4. To support caregivers as essential actors in the support process
  5. To provide professional and adapted home help
  6. To guarantee appropriate care in residential care facilities
  7. To optimise hospital networks to the needs of people with dementia
  8. To ensure support at the end of life
  9. To support continuity and coordination of interventions
  10. To develop specific training for professionals
  11. To develop adapted responses for sub-groups, e.g. younger persons with dementia
  12. To move towards reliable data at the regional level
  13. To support research into non-medical interventions for dementia.

Further Information

Further information on the Plan can be found at:

A presentation detailing the Plan (in French) can be downloaded below.