The PRODEMOS (Prevention of Dementia using Mobile phone Applications) kicked off in January 2018 and run for five years. This project aimed to make an evidence-based dementia prevention strategy using mobile Health accessible to those at increased risk of dementia who are usually not reached by preventive medicine. From a global perspective, the project targeted socio-economically deprived populations in the EU and a population at risk of dementia in China. The final aim was to implement this flexible, fully adaptable mHealth platform in a culturally appropriate form in a range of health care settings across the globe. The PRODEMOS project was led by Eric Moll van Charante and Edo Richard (Academish Medisch Centrum bij de Universiteit van Amsterdam).

This project received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 779238.

Representatives of Alzheimer Europe involved in the project:

Alzheimer Europe Staff - Executive Director - Jean Georges
Jean represented Alzheimer Europe in the steering committee of PRODEMOS.
Cindy was involved in the communication and dissemination work of the project, ensuring that project activities and findings are shared with the dementia community.