

The NEURONET initiative (Efficiently Networking European Neurodegeneration Research) was a three-year coordination and support action that began in March 2019, and concluded at the end of August 2022. Its aim was to set up an efficient platform to boost synergy and collaboration across the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) projects of the Neurodegenerative Disorders (ND) portfolio, assisting in identifying gaps, multiplying its impact, enhancing its visibility and facilitating dovetailing with related initiatives in Europe and worldwide.


Alzheimer Europe co-lead the communication and dissemination Work Package of Neuronet with the following goals:

  1. promoting synergy across the individual dissemination and communication activities of the different IMI neurodegenerative diseases projects to maximise their visibility and impact, and optimize use of resources;
  2. fulfilling Neuronet’s ‘ambassador’ role by reaching out to relevant stakeholders and initiatives worldwide.

This project has received funding from the Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 Joint Undertaking (JU) under grant agreement No 821513. The JU receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and EFPIA and Parkinson’s UK.

Visit the project website:

Representatives of Alzheimer Europe involved in the project:

Alzheimer Europe Staff - Executive Director - Jean Georges
Represented Alzheimer Europe in the steering committee of Neuronet.
Alzheimer Europe Staff - Project Officer - Angela Bradshaw
Ange participated in the discussions around data privacy and data sharing issues work of the project.
Alzheimer Europe Staff - Project Communications Officer - Christophe Bintener
Chris contributed to the communication work of the project.
Alzheimer Europe Staff - Project Officer - Cindy Birck
Cindy contributed to the working group on data sharing and Neuronet communication experts group.