Alzheimer’s dementia, Lewy body dementia, and frontotemporal dementia (FTD) are amongst some of the most common forms of dementia. Each type is caused by different biological factors, and therefore they will  likely require different specific treatments targeting these factors. To be able to develop such effective treatments, it is important to correctly diagnose each dementia type, at the earliest possible stage.

The bPRIDE project (blood PRotein ldentification to Discriminate dEmentias) aimed to generate and validate blood tests for early and specific diagnosis of the major dementia types. To successfully achieve these aims, bPRIDE analysed more than 1,000 blood proteins in over 1,000 patients, who were at different stages of these different dementia types. This was done using novel and extremely sensitive technologies.

The tools developed within this project could ultimately help to provide specific and early/timely diagnoses, which will empower people with dementia. It will also allow to assign the most suitable novel treatments to the right people, which could strongly facilitate development of successful therapies.

Alzheimer Europe contributed to this project by supporting its dissemination plan.

You can find out more about the bPRIDE project in this flyer.

Representative of Alzheimer Europe involved in the project:

Kate contributed to the communications work of the project.