2014 Highlights

In 2014, Alzheimer Europe:


  • launched a European Dementia Pledge campaign during the EU elections, calling on MEP candidates to support AE’s work to make dementia a political priority
  • welcomed the adoption of national dementia strategies in Greece, Ireland and Italy and the launch of the Neurodegenerative diseases plan in France


  • produced the 2014 Dementia in Europe Yearbook, an inventory of national policies and practices with a focus on the pathways to diagnosis of dementia and to post-diagnostic care and support in 30 countries
  • published 558 articles in 11 editions of its email newsletter
  • attracted 597,393 unique visitors to its website, an increase of 15.6% over the previous year. The website was updated in terms of content and visual presentation
  • increased its social media presence to 2,200+ Twitter followers and the maximum of 5,000 Facebook friends
  • produced a guide to the ethical dilemmas faced by people with dementia and carers on a day-to-day basis, in cooperation with the European Dementia Ethics Network

Worked in partnership with people with dementia

  • actively consulted people with dementia on its activities through the European Working Group of People with Dementia (EWGPWD), which involved 12 people with dementia from 11 national organisations
  • reconstituted the EWGPWD for a second two-year term during the AE Conference in Glasgow
  • involved the European Working Group of People with Dementia in the preparations and organisation of the 2014 Annual Conference in Glasgow, in various meetings and projects and through its Chairperson in the Board of the organisation

Held a major conference

  • partnered with INTERDEM to organise the 24th Alzheimer Europe Conference in Glasgow
  • organised its 24th Annual Conference on 20-22 October under the motto “Dignity and autonomy in dementia”, attracting 800+ delegates, including 44 people with dementia

Worked in partnership with a range of organisations

  • collaborated with the European Medicines Agency (EMA) as a full member of the Patients’ and Consumers’ Working Party (PCWP)
  • followed the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing and its campaign for the inclusion of dementia as a priority area
  • reached out to the representatives of ALCOVE, the European Joint Action on Dementia and involved them in its analysis of national treatment and care pathways
  • collaborated with the European Patients’ Forum on a review of the EU clinical trial framework, data protection, patient safety and quality of care
  • continued as an active member of the European Patients’ Forum (EPF) by contributing to a number of consultation documents and participating in EPF’s Public Affairs Group and Access to Healthcare Working Group
  • continued its collaboration with other EU organisations, such as AGE Platform Europe, the Interest Group on Mental Health, Well-Being and Brain Disorders and the Interest Group on Carers of the European Parliament
  • represented Alzheimer’s Disease International (ADI) at the 64th session of the World Health Organisation Regional Committee for Europe
  • collaborated with ADI on the Global Action against Dementia and the preparation of the Legacy event in London
  • continued its collaboration with the AETIONOMY, AFE-INNOVNET, EMIF, NILVAD, PACE, PharmaCog and PREDICT-ND projects
  • successfully concluded its two year partnership with SCA Global Hygiene to develop guidelines for the promotion of continence care for people with dementia living at home

Helped raise the profile of dementia

  • relaunched the European Alzheimer’s Alliance (EAA) in the European Parliament after the EU elections, with a total membership of 86 MEPs at the end of 2014
  • organised two public affairs meetings with its member associations to discuss EU policy developments and exchange national lobbying and campaigning activities
  • brought together public affairs representatives of various national associations to exchange information and best practices on national dementia strategies and policies
  • organised two successful lunch debates in the European Parliament that focused on the activities of the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) and on dementia prevention
  • co-organised a European Parliament event “Hand in hand: fighting against Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia together” with Marina Yannakoudakis, MEP (UK)
  • published three editions of the “Dementia in Europe” magazine that included interviews with EU and national policy makers and reports on the Global Dementia Legacy events and AE activities such as the European Parliament lunch debates and Annual Conference

Gathered and published research information

  • continued the development of its Clinical Trial Watch, a project that will connect people with dementia and their families with high quality research
  • continued to work on its Guideline Watch project, a database with national guidelines for the diagnosis, treatment and management of dementia in Europe

Received ongoing support from the European Commission

  • received support from the European Commission in the form of an operating grant for the organisation’s core activities

Expanded and consolidated our membership

  • elected a new Board during its Annual General Meeting, where delegates also adopted the Glasgow Declaration and elevated Alzheimer Bulgaria to full member status