2003 Highlights

In 2003, Alzheimer Europe:

  • Strengthened its contacts with the scientific community through the establishment of an Expert Advisory Panel and through its continued collaboration with the European Alzheimer’s Disease Consortium and Interdem
  • Improved its information exchange through the publication of quarterly updates and a complete overhaul of its Internet site
  • Contributed to the European discussions on the review of the pharmaceutical legislation, on animal research and stem cell research
  • Carried out an extensive survey of the services provided by national Alzheimer associations and an inventory of the regional organisations of its members
  • Surveyed its members on their views on whether to disclose a diagnosis of dementia to the person him/herself
  • Established working groups and started the literature search for three of its business plan programmes
  • Participated in two projects of the European Alzheimer’s Disease Consortium
  • Continued its collaboration with the European Federation of Neurological Associations and was represented by its Executive Director on the patient advisory group of the British Medical Journal and the working group with patient organisations of the European Medicines Evaluations Agency
  • Supported the creation of the European Patients’ Forum and was elected to its Executive at its inaugural meeting
  • Finalised its European Commission funded project on “Rare forms of dementia”
  • Organised a successful conference in Thessalonica (13-15 June 2003)

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