

LETHE (A personalized prediction and intervention model for early detection and reduction of risk factors causing dementia, based on AI and distributed Machine Learning) is a four-year project.

LETHE aims to provide a data-driven risk factor prediction model for older individuals at risk of cognitive decline building upon big data analysis of cross-sectional observational and longitudinal intervention datasets from 4 clinical centres in Europe including the 11- years analysis of the FINGER study. LETHE is set out to establish novel digital biomarkers, for early detection of risk factors, based on unobtrusive ICT-based passive and active monitoring. The aim is to establish a digital-enabled intervention for cognitive decline prevention based on the evolution of a successful protocol (FINGER) evolving into an ICT based preventive lifestyle intervention through individualized profiling, personalized recommendations, feedback and support (FINGER 2.0), well targeted on a population stratified by cost-effective biological biomarkers. The LETHE solution will be tested in a feasibility study validating the achieved improvements.

The LETHE project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no 101017405.

Visit the project website: https://www.lethe-project.eu/














Representatives of Alzheimer Europe involved in the project:

Alzheimer Europe Staff - Project Officer - Ana Dia
Ana leads Alzheimer Europe's involvement in LETHE and supports Public Involvement.
Alzheimer Europe Staff - Project Communications Officer - Christophe Bintener
Chris collaborates in the communication and dissemination work of LETHE.