Record number of abstracts submitted for the 33rd Alzheimer Europe Conference!


We are delighted to have received a record number of abstracts for our Annual Conference, taking place from 16 to 18 October 2023 in Helsinki, Finland. The call, which closed on 30 April, attracted a total of 568 submissions, beating our previous records of 516 for The Hague (2019) and 427 for Barcelona (2018). Thank you to all submitting authors!
The Scientific Committee of the 33rd Alzheimer Europe Conference (33AEC) has already begun the evaluation process and the results will be communicated at the end of May. It promises to be another great opportunity for learning and networking and we are very excited, as are our colleagues at Muistiliitto, The Alzheimer Society of Finland!
Registrations are open and our Early Bird rates are available until 30 June. Click here to register: