Hana Marie Broulikova, PhD is a health economist specializing in mental health and dementia. She holds a position of a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Health Sciences, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. She was responsible for the development of the national dementia strategy at the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic. Currently, she advises the ministry on its implementation.
In her research, Dr. Broulikova investigates the effect of timely dementia diagnosis on care utilization and costs using nationwide healthcare registers. She specifically focuses on the question whether early interventions may reduce also health problems and healthcare utilization that tend to be primarily attributed to other diseases.
She continues collaborating with the Department of Public Mental Health, National Institute of Mental Health, where she previously worked on an evaluation of the ongoing reform of mental health care in Czechia. She was awarded a Fulbright Scholarship for a research stay at the Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University as well as prizes by the Czech Alzheimer Foundation and the Czech Demographic Society.