Organising Committee |
BLOM Marco, Alzheimer Nederlands, Netherlands | |
GEORGES Jean, Alzheimer Europe, Luxembourg | |
GUILLORY Gwladys, Alzheimer Europe, Luxembourg | |
TUDOSE Catalina, Societatea Română Alzheimer, Romania |
The following people have been invited to the Programme Committee of the 30th Alzheimer Europe Conference, to evaluate submitted abstracts and to help ensure that the programme will be interesting, with varied and innovative presentations.
Programme Committee |
BIRCK Cindy, Alzheimer Europe, Luxembourg | |
BLANKMAN Kees, Faculty of Law, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands | |
BLOM Marco, Alzheimer Nederlands, Netherlands | |
BOUVY Jacoline, NICE | |
BRADSHAW Angela, Alzheimer Europe, Luxembourg | |
CHATTAT Rabih, University of Bologna, Italy | |
COLL Nina, Synapse | |
DIAZ Ana, Alzheimer Europe, Luxembourg | |
DIAZ Carlos, Synapse | |
DROËS Rose-Marie, VU University medical center, Netherlands | |
FRANCO MARTIN Manuel, University Rio Hortega Hospital, Spain | |
GASTMANS Chris, Faculty of Medicine, Belgium | |
GEORGES Jean, Alzheimer Europe, Luxembourg | |
GOVE Dianne, Alzheimer Europe, Luxembourg | |
HEISE Bernd, EWGPWD, Germany | |
HOLMEROVA Iva, Ceská alzheimerovská spolecnost, Czech Republic | |
HOOGENDAM Jacqueline, Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport, Netherlands | |
JANSEN Sabine, Deutsche Alzheimer Gesellschaft, Germany | |
LAWLOR Brian, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland | |
MILLER Owen, Alzheimer Europe, Luxembourg | |
PEARSON Jim, Alzheimer Scotland, United Kingdom | |
POTOTSCHNIGG Angela, EWGPWD, Austria | |
PRADIER Laurent, Sanofi | |
O'ROURKE Diana, NICE | |
ROACH Arthur, Parkinsons UK | |
ROCHFORD-BRENNAN Helen, European Working Group of People with Dementia (EWGPWD), Ireland | |
RINALDI Manuela, MODIS life science | |
RODRIGO Jesús, CEAFA, Spain | |
SCERRI Anthony, University of Malta, Malta | |
SCERRI Charles, Malta Dementia Society, Malta | |
STEUKERS Lennert, Janssen | |
TOLSON Debbie, University of the West of Scotland, United Kingdom | |
VAN LAER Geert, European Working Group of People with Dementia (EWGPWD), Belgium | |
WOODS Robert (Bob), Bangor University, United Kingdom | |
ZINCKE dos REIS Maria do Rosario, APFADA, Portugal |